The value of education as an instrument of change has emerged as the primary concern of educators. Undoubtedly, education, whether formal or non-formal, is recognized as a key component of development.
“Its role as a catalyst and tool of development has gained wider dimensions with the advent of modern communication strategies. Today, education and communication are inseparable and considered as a single unified channel for national progress. Its harmonious integration serves as the most effective liberating force for the individual.”
“Within this perspective, the UC Cultural Development Program’s primary concern is to seek the proper balance and linkage of the students’ learning experience and the professional growth of the faculty members through the interfacing of the academic, scientific, technical and vocational structure of the institution.”
The UC Students Cultural Services principally aims at integrating the various cultural activities of UC to the educational process of the student, faculty, and personnel within and outside the campus. It pursues a program which exalts the UC stated mission. Its general thrust is directed towards communicating and popularizing the richness of the Filipino culture and heritage (both in themes and praxis), educating UC community members as well as entertaining them. It focuses not only on the aesthetic value of an art form but on a true human content for the development, liberation and happiness of man. It aims to view this program as an expression of a meaningful educational process which:
- Provides for a well-rounded program for the total human development by way of enriching the cultural life of the UC community;
- Identifies our regional cultural strength (ie. promotions and popularization of Visayan People’s Aesthetic) and radiating the same to the immediate communities in Cebu, Philippines and the World;
- Reflects and energizes a pro-active, participatory, people-centered, nurturing and caring attitudes and values of our community; and
- Integrates learning to our community life.
Cultural organizations
- UC Theatre Workshop CompanyThe resident theater company of the institution established in 1980. The Theatre company is widely known for its production and popularization of Cebuano stage plays. It’s program includes :Cultural and Arts Trainings, Workshops and Education in theatre, creative writings, etc.; Teachers’ Training in Theatre for Classroom; Repertory Guidance ( assisting clients to organize events); Events and Productions Organizing and Management; Graphic Designing for Marketing and Promotional collaterals; Consultancy Services for Arts Education; Income Generating Projects.
- UC ChorusEstablished since 1970 as High School Glee Club which develop into the in-house Choral organization with members coming from the High School and different Colleges. Its program includes “Production work for school programs; Outreach programs by performing in events outside of school; Technical Services” Sound System provision; Promoting excellence by joining competitions; Development of music repertoire; Income generating projects and formation of an artists’ cooperative.
- UC Symphonic OrchestraEstablished in 1992 as the Rondalla Organization which evolved into a Symphonic Orchestra. Its program includes “Production work for school programs; Summer Music Training and Workshops; Outreach performance in selected areas; Music Classes for members (repertoire development various music forms local to western); has expanded in terms of scope from instrumentation to vocal renditions, etc.); generate income for organization.
- UC Dance CompanyEstablished in 1982 as the in-house Folkloric Dance Troupe. Through the years, the Company has expanded its repertoire and have become the promoter of Festival Dances of Cebu Province. The Company has also traveled extensively locally and abroad as a promoter of Philippine Culture. Its program includes Dance production works for school programs; Dance Repertory Development for various dance forms; Event Organizing for outside school events; Developing members for competitions; Generate income for organization.
- UC Cheer and Dance TeamEstablished in 2002. Its program includes Cheer and Dance Production works for school programs; Repertoire development for competition; Outreach program through guidance to clients and conduct of cheer dance workshops and trainings; Generate income for organization.
- UC Drum and Bugle CorpEstablished in 1997, composed of students who specialized in percussion and wind instruments. The organization usually attend to accompanying parades and other performances needing drums and bugle as instruments.
Good day admin, I would like to know more about uc theatre workshop company on cultural and arts trainings how can i apply,does it free? Im interested in such cultural scholarship. Thank you and Godbless.
ReplyDeleteGood day admin , may know how to apply the cultural scholarship?
ReplyDeleteDo you have enrollment form ? For the school year 2020-2021
ReplyDeleteDo you have enrollment form ? For the school year 2020-2021
ReplyDeleteGood evening admin, how to apply as a cultural
ReplyDeleteScholarship, thank u and God bless