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University of Cebu

University of Cebu

University of Cebu

University of Cebu

University of Cebu

Physician Licensure Examination

Another BATCH joins the latest #UCSMPRIDE 🎈.💯%🎈Sept 2021 PHYSICIAN LICENSURE EXAMINATION. To God be the Glory. CONGRATULATIONS BATCH CONCORDIA, our second borns. We are immensely proud of you.

FRIENDS National Conference on Internationalization at Home (IaH)

With FRIENDS Project overall objective to strengthen the involved Asian universities ‘internationalization capabilities and to develop their students’ global competence through the purposeful integration of intercultural dimensions into the universities ‘formal and informal curriculum, the consortium members in Asia (Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia and Bhutan) will reach out to higher education policy makers, practitioners and peers through the FRIENDS National Conference on IaH. In the Philippines, the event will have the theme “Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity in the Internationalization @ Home” and will be hosted by the Cebu Technological University (CTU) on October 26-27, 2021 via Zoom. The University of Cebu, Saint Louis University, Baguio and Cebu Technological University are partner universities of the FRIENDS Project in the Philippines.

Stay tuned for more details in succeeding posts.